For Every Product you purchase, TOMS will help someone in need

Did you know 92% of Millennial consumers are more likely to buy products from ethical companies? Are you one of them? Have you ever come across any products that resonate with your morals in life? What is Ethical Marketing? Let’s take a moment to clarify what ethical marketing means should we?Ethical Marketing refers to theContinue reading “For Every Product you purchase, TOMS will help someone in need”

Google is the Answer to all your Questions

Do you use Google at least once a day? When you need to know more information for something, Google is always there for you and he has the answer to all your doubts. Do you agree with me that Google has been essential to our everyday life? Felt like having a good steamboat place todayContinue reading “Google is the Answer to all your Questions”

An Airplane can produce 10 terabytes worth of Data in just 30 Minutes!

Many planes are currently parked in Changi Airport and it is a sight to behold that history has never seen before. But do you know how much data are generated during a flight? You will be surprised to hear the figure. A total of 10 + terabytes can be generated in just 30 minutes ofContinue reading “An Airplane can produce 10 terabytes worth of Data in just 30 Minutes!”

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Are you reading this blog post from a mobile? I’m certain! Considering that 80% of the world owns a smartphone as of today. From the year 2016 to 2020, there was an increase of 1 billion smartphones worldwide. That is MASSIVE! With so many users globally and we are connected simply via the internet. NoContinue reading “What is the first thing you do when you wake up?”

Sorry for adding extra Ingredient – IRVINS

A Thai tourist visited Singapore and wanted to buy some snacks back to Thailand and to her surprise, she found some fried lizards with it. She immediately shared this experience on her Facebook and it went viral. In no time, everyone was talking about ensuring quality checks on Irvins products. IRVINS took this matter toContinue reading “Sorry for adding extra Ingredient – IRVINS”

Is Making Money off the Internet the answer to all our problems?

Do you love making money? Is money really the answer to all our problems? Does it truly bring happiness into our life? Making money off the internet isn’t as easy as we speak off. There are 5 different types of revenue models and big companies use either one or the other to sustain in thisContinue reading “Is Making Money off the Internet the answer to all our problems?”

Have you ever felt that Facebook is stalking you?

Social Media Marketing leverages on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook to promote their product actively. It helps to increases the awareness of their product by publishing great contents. Many companies prefer this to the normal marketing as it is financially more effect than traditional marketing methods.. We all know who Cristiano Ronaldo isContinue reading “Have you ever felt that Facebook is stalking you?”

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